Domestic Hot Water Control System
What is a domestic hot water control system? Well, it is a system which delivers hot water to various locations within a house, commercial space or any other building. As we all know, we use hot water on a daily basis whether it be for showers, baths, in the sink, etc. and the way in which this hot water reaches us is exactly what this system controls.
Heat Timer provides domestic hot water control systems for both residential use, as well as commercial use. The system for both works the same way, but there are quite a few differences between the two. The system for residential use is much simpler, having a more straightforward process of letting cold water in and hot water out, which is sufficient enough to supply a family. On the other hand, the domestic hot water control system of a commercial building has to accommodate many families or users across many rooms and floors. With commercial hot water systems, the process has to be able to handle multiple users at one time and manage the water pressure as well.
Heat Timer provides domestic hot water control systems for both residential use, as well as commercial use. The system for both works the same way, but there are quite a few differences between the two. The system for residential use is much simpler, having a more straightforward process of letting cold water in and hot water out, which is sufficient enough to supply a family. On the other hand, the domestic hot water control system of a commercial building has to accommodate many families or users across many rooms and floors. With commercial hot water systems, the process has to be able to handle multiple users at one time and manage the water pressure as well.
One major question which homeowners, building owners and building managers may have is: are these controls easy to use? Also, how does this process work on a large scale basis? Luckily, Heat Timer has a product known as Platinum Series control which is a sophisticated energy management control that can access one or multiple domestic hot water systems from a central location - or even remotely! It is perfect for all large size buildings like hotels, residential complexes, offices and more.
To know more about Heat Timer’s domestic hot water control systems, call or visit the website today at:
To know more about Heat Timer’s domestic hot water control systems, call or visit the website today at: